Thursday, August 28, 2008

Barack Obama

On day 3 of the Fearless Living Challenge, I watched Barack Obama give his acceptance speech for the Democratic party nominee for president. WOW. On the anniversary of the "I Have a Dream" speech. I'm sitting in awe of what happened during my lifetime. And Sen'ari's lifetime. While Sen ran around yelling "President Obama", I got closer to the television and watched a man tell me about his plaform,and I felt valued and heard as a mother, taxpayer, a person hopeful for the future, a dreamer, as an American.
It was an awesome moment,and I sooo hope he wins and is able to really affect change for the average person.
It was so fly to see a Black man reach that elusive place of respect and acceptance of his greatness.

I didn't really do anything fearless today, but I had a fearless thought - does that count?
For the first time in a long time, I became entranced in the magic of Black men. The real magic. That sweet, protective of sistas, Malcolm X type magic. It was awesome.
Evelyn A, writing from Team Barack.... I'm out.

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