Tuesday, August 26, 2008

God is so Good!

You know how you watch an awards show and every single person thanks God for their award? Well, even though I ain't on TV, I am a star-ah in my own mind, and I too will join the ranks of folks thanking God for His many blessings at the start of this, my new blog, EVE-o-lution.

All jokes aside, I really am grateful, even on those days that I can't sleep, and the only words that seem to fall from my lips are "why, God, WHY?!?!?" The nights I have spent crying myself to sleep and praying for the morning I would wake up feeling lighter, less stressed, more refreshed and encouraged, I knew I was not alone.

Funniest shit is, I ain't even religious. I was the kid who hated religion class in school, and tried to have jokes when we had assembly in church at Unity Catholic (now St. Gregory - Crown Heights STAND UP!!!!).

It took me a long time to find that rhythm, that attitude of gratitude, develop a relationship with Him, the Notorious GOD. (now I know some of you will say I am using the word notorious incorrectly, but according to dictionary.com, in "1548, the word meant "publicly known," from M.L. notorius "well-known, commonly known,". Negative connotation arose 17c. from frequent association with derogatory nouns.

So there.

Right about now, you may be asking yourself, WHAT THE HELL is up with this chick? Who is she? What is she about? What will she be writing about? And the truth is, I don't really know. What I do know is that the last year has brought me the lowest lows and the highest highs, and instead of experiencing them only in my head, I decided to be true to my shy (yeah, right....well, sometimes...) self and post my thoughts, feelings, and experiences on the world wide web located at any computer near you.

So, just like my fellow thickum Jill Scott, I ask myself: Who is Evelyn A.? (can't have the full gov't out there yet - don't really know who's out there yet)

Everyday, I discover something new about who I am, and in these discoveries, large and small, I am evolving. Hence the name of this joint, EVE - o - lution.

Stay with me, people. Imma need some partners in this wild, crazy, sexy, scary, sad, and thrilling ride called life. All I wanna do is live, dream, celebrate, and love. Peacefully, happily, safely. A whole lot.

1 comment:

Janelle said...


And yes you are a star-ah so it was only right to thank the Lord. And kiss your platinum blinged out medalion piece! LOL